Don’t go it alone! God designed us to do life together. So, join a small group today. To join a small group, you can contact the leaders listed below or call the church office at 687-3261 Tuesday through Friday from 10 AM to 3 PM for more information.
Sunday Small Group (Led by Jeff Pass): Sunday mornings, 8:30 AM at Lakeview Chapel. For more information, call 687-3261.
Sunday Small Group (Led by Tommy Howard): Sundays following morning service, approximately 11:30 AM. Meeting downstairs in the classroom off the kitchen. For more information, call 687-3261. Off for the Summer. Will resume meeting September 11, 2016.
Adult Group (Led by Doug & Maybell Graves): Tuesday mornings, 9:30 AM at the home of the Graves. For more information, call 687-4231.
Adult Group (Led by Ron & Michelle Pelton): Tuesday evenings, 7 PM at the home of Pelton’s. For more information, call 651-3269.
Adult Group (Led by Steve & Kristie Kreis): Friday evenings, 7 PM at the home of the Kreis’. For more information, call 625-2656.
Adult Group (Led by Pastor Todd & Patti Wolfe / Hosted by Dave & Dawn Jaros): Friday evenings, 7 PM at the home of the Jaros’. For more information, call the Wolfe’s at 687-8181 or 685-3261.
Women’s Bible Study (Led by Kathy Van Duzer): Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8 PM at Lakeview Chapel (main floor classroom near the stairs). Reviewing a series by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth featuring ten specific personal prayer petitions to incorporate into our own prayer life.
Women’s Group (Led by Sylvia Riegel): Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8 PM at Lakeview Chapel (meets in the library). Reviewing ‘The Life You’ve Always Wanted’ by John Ortberg.
Men’s Bible Study (Led by Bill Van Duzer): Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8 PM at Lakeview Chapel. Studying the book of Revelation.
Prayer Group (Led by Art Reynolds): Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8 PM at Lakeview Chapel (meets on the 2nd floor in the nursery). Off for Summer. Will resume September 14, 2016.